Tag Archives: Crossfit


Been way too busy to blog, so this is going to be really short.

Monday, 1/17/2011 – “Tabata Something Else” which is 8x, 20s on all out, 10s off of the following (scored by total reps):

  • Pull Ups
  • Push Ups
  • Sit Ups
  • Squats

photo 1

My total was 321. I didn’t record what I got on every set, but my totals respective to the above list are 45, 85, 78, and 113. Not too shabby.

Wednesday, 1/19/2011 – Pull up/Push Jerk Ladder (10-1, 1-10)

This one was rough and I really thought about Rx’ing, but after Fio’s warm up, I guess I just didn’t have it in me, so I used 135#. It took me 12:48.

Saturday, 1/21/2011 (Open Gym) – Tabata Row (854), Tabata KB Swing, and Weighted (25#) 400m run – untimed

Sunday, 1/22/2011 – Tabata burpees and squats before and after each cheat meal (1/2 before and 1/2 1.5hr after)

photo 2

Above: Original Pancake House (Note, NOT IHOP) – Meat Lover’s Scramble with Pepperjack accompanied by 3 gluten free chocolate pancakes.

Below: Hill Country Burger from TerraBurger on a GF bun with sweet potato fries.

photo 3

Things seem to be going very well on the “I Do The Impossible” challenge. We are just over 2 weeks in and I am down a notch on my belt, which has historically been pretty impossible for me. I am starting to do better on WODs as well i.e. not burning out as quickly. Things are coming along. Saturday night at dinner, Dave told this week would be “Tabata Week” for me, so we shall soon find out what that means.

More WODs

Friday (1/14/2011) was all about snatching. The WOD was:

  • 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 {Muscle Snatch, Hang Squat Snatch, Full Squat Snatch}

The weights I used were 75#, 95#, 105#, 115#, and 135#. Then, we had 15 minutes to find out 1RM for snatch. I was able to meet my current PR of 155#, but failed repeatedly on 165#. Thing is, I pretty much muscle snatched that 155#, so I think I have the potential to do a lot more. The thing that scares me, honestly, is getting under that weight. I don’t think I have ever OHS more than #135.

Saturday (1/15/2011), Carson had some nastiness planned for us for open gym. It was a buddy workout and you could split it up however you wanted:

  • 1000m row
  • 150 squats
  • 150 sit ups
  • 150 push ups
  • 150 pull ups
  • 1200m row

Jody and I pulled this one off in 28:51. Mean, Carson… very mean.

It’s a bit over a week and I am starting to notice some changes in adhering to what Dave has told me to do for the “I Do The Impossible” challenge. I am down a notch on my belt, I am not as sore from WODs, and I am feeling pretty good.

Fight Gone Bad On The Road

I got to drop into CrossFit Lincoln tonight. I had to admit that I had second thoughts about going b/c the WOD was Fight Gone Bad. I didn’t want to be a wuss and cherry pick. So I decided to suck it up and go.

The people were really nice and I got a bad ass new CrossFit t-shirt! Also, I PR’d my Fight Gone Bad score by over 40 points. The last 2 times I had the pleasure of getting my ass kicked by FGB, my scores were 218 and 216. This time, I got 263. WOT! I thought I added wrong, so I just dropped it all into Excel (I know… I know) and wow, I added correctly. Here’s how my sets broke down:



Wall Ball  20 12 10 42
SDHP 18 14 13 45
Box Jump 16 20 16 52
Push Press 25 20 22 67
Row 23 19 15 57

I started on the rower… not sure if that had much to do with it. Maybe the fact that it wasn’t 105 degrees helped. I don’t know. I still felt like I was going to die.

Anyway, I get to come home tomorrow to see V and my baby to be. It’s been a cold, cold few day’s here in Lincoln and I am ready to get back to the warm 40’s of Texas.


Wednesday night (1/5/2011) was rough. I was sore as hell and the WOD was tough. We also did a lot of stuff prior to the WOD, which tired me out. Here’s how it went down:

Warm Up

  • Run to the end of the block & back. It was about 1/2 mile.
  • Stretches
  • 25 GHD Sit ups/Back Extensions


  • 5 minutes of handstand walking practice



  • 7 cleans (I used 115#)
  • 30 double unders

This took a little over 18 minutes for me. I don’t remember my exact time, but I was being really careful on the cleans to not hurt my back. The double unders went really well for me. Aside from the fact that I just don’t have the lungs for them, I completed the workout without getting mad, throwing the rope, or using lots of bad words. I got to ring the PR bell for that =)


The “I do the Impossible” challenge kicked off today! I went into the clinic yesterday (1/7/2011) to get measured, weighed, and to have my body fat calculated (a sorry 23.6%). I sat with Dave and talked a little bit about what I wanted to accomplish and we listed out 5 goals:

  1. See a downward trending in body fat analysis.
  2. Cycle 10 butterfly pull ups.
  3. Get a sub 9 minute mile.
  4. Go up in weight on snatch.
  5. Go up in weight on dead lift.

The last 2 goals are a bit iffy and depend a lot on how my back does over the course of the next 8 weeks. Additionally, we talked a lot about diet and food, so, if I’m at a party at your house in the next 8 weeks and you don’t see me eatin’ it up, that’s why.

The WOD that they put us through was pretty tiring. Didn’t look so bad on the board, but I was pretty beat when it was over. It was:

  • 7 minutes to find your 1RM dead lift. I stopped at 315# as I was starting to lead with my back and I didn’t want to push my luck. I haven’t d/l’d more than 135# since injuring.
  • 1 min rest
  • 1 min max thrusters @ 95# – I got 20.
  • 1 min rest
  • 1 min max pull ups – I got 20.
  • 2 min rest
  • 2 min max distance on C2 – I got 523m.
  • 2 min rest
  • 3x (5 burpees, 10 push ups, 15 squats) – I did this in 4:15.

I am looking forward to seeing what I can do in the next 8 weeks. Wish me luck!


My legs are wrecked. It hurts to move around, literally. They are sore to the touch. I tried to go for a run/walk yesterday morning and the transition from walking to jogging was really painful.

Yesterday’s WOD was really hard on me. Here’s what we did yesterday:


  • 6 minute row
  • Stretches
  • Group Warm Up
  • 3x – 7 squat snatches, 14 double unders

The first 10-20 pulls on the rower were pure agony. My legs were so stiff and sore despite the stretching and activity that I had done. Ouch!


  • Tabata Row (damper on 4) – I got 877m or something like that. My power quit after round 3. Fio had us turn the display to show wattage and strokes per minute. While I kept a pretty good s/m ratio, my wattage fell pretty considerably after the 2nd round (Close to 500 to about 250, so about 1/2).


12 Minute AMRAP

  • 15 KB Swings
  • 20 Sit ups
  • 30 Squats

I managed to get 4 rounds plus 1 KB swing. I started off with the 1.5 pood, but it quickly started putting strain on my back, so I dropped it to 1 pood. I encountered the same exact problem with sit ups that I did last time. I got to about 40 and my top 4 ab muscles started to spasm out of control. Fun. I had to do the rest of the sit ups pressing as hard as I could on my stomach. The squats were just awful. This was the longest 12 minutes I have experienced in a while.


No other physical activity destroys my spirit and makes me feel worse than running. None other.

I have SO many negative emotions that are attached to running. Because of these emotions, it doesn’t matter if we are doing sprints, 400s, miles, 5ks, or whatever. It doesn’t even matter to me if I actually do well! To me, it’s always horrible. I could PR on something and in my head, it’s still horrible and most likely, I really hated every second of it.

By now, I am SURE you are asking, “but why? why on Earth would you feel this way!?”. Come along, friends.

Let’s back up for a moment.

Picture if you will, the years 1992-1994, a 12-14 year old Bryan in 6th-8th grade. Picture me really fat and out of shape. My diet sucked, I watched a lot of TV and played a TON of video games. I wasn’t really active.

Imagine a cocksucker asshole gym teacher* that made us “run the mile” once a week or so. For most of the kids in my grade, this consisted of something like 7.5 relatively easy laps around the schoolyard. You’re a kid and have boundless energy. What’s a mile? Nothing more than a means for the cocksucker asshole gym teacher to tire a bunch of high energy kids out, really. I watch the Dog Whisperer. I know what’s up.

As you are probably guessing, it was not really easy for me. In fact, for me, it was anything but. It was lots of walking, pain, trouble breathing, people looking, staring, talking, making fun. All in all, it was a horrible experience that made me want to slit my wrists. Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

I would always be last or near last to finish, which meant that everyone had to watch as I attempted to jog my fat ass around the schoolyard. The longer I took, the longer they had to watch. Middle school kids aren’t very encouraging, nor was the cocksucker asshole gym teacher. In fact, he was quite an asshole and cocksucker to boot. Eventually, I learned how to feign sickness/dizziness so that I wouldn’t have to suffer this humiliation. I would rather kids think I was sick than make fun of me while I tried to accomplish this task.

Fast forward to this morning. A beautiful “winter” morning here in Cedar Park, Texas.

I got to CFCP this morning in relatively good spirits for the New Year’s Day WOD which was:

  1. Bottom-to-bottom Tabata Squats – scored by lowest round count. Mine was 10. Feh.
  2. 1 Mile Time Trial in 10:24. We just did 4x on the 400m route.

It must be said up front that the people at CFCP are awesome. They are encouraging. The coaches are in no way anything at all like my cocksucker asshole gym teacher and the people that go there are in no way like the kids in my middle school gym class. Yes, I completely understand that all of this negativity is in my head. All of it. It’s brought on by me and can really only be done away with by me.

The idea for this WOD was to do the bottom-to-bottom squats, then the mile with no rest I between. Technically, you *could* rest if you really wanted to but the clock for the mile started as soon as the squats were done.

Anyway, so I start running and like 90% of the people in class just go on past me. I am used to this by now. Everything hurts. I can’t breathe. I feel slow, huge, and overall, just bad and loserish. On top of it, my headphones keep popping out of my ears and frustrating the shit out of me. I have to fight with myself to just keep going. I didn’t take any walk breaks, but my pace is terribly slow. In fact, I may as well be power walking with some AM/FM stereo headphones in the mall.

Eventually, people that started at the same time as me are LAPPING me. At this point, all of that negative chatter starts and I am again reminded that I’m the fat, slow kid. Depressing, really. As I come in for my final 200m, I can hear people encouraging me to finish strong which is great. I still feel terrible. Just awful inside.

Clearly I need an attitude change. I recognize this. Pulling that off though, is a whole other story. It’s a monumental feat for me to remain positive in these situations. Clearly, the things that happened to me during that dreadful time of my life are still affecting me. Sad, yes, true, very much so. I can say, pretty much without hesitation or thought, that those were the worst 3 years of my life.

I am really looking forward to this “I Do The Impossible” challenge starting. I really need something to get my positive energy and momentum going. Apparently, my coach “has a plan” for me and all I have to do is “comply”. I can’t wait to see this plan and get to it. While I am incredibly proud of my friends and the progress that they have made, I am sick of not being the one making progress. We shall see.

*I hate this man and would happily beat the ever living shit of him on site. No, I don’t care if he’s like 70 now. He had it coming.


CFCP has this challenge coming up called “I do the impossible”. I had been wanting to do it, but was highly discouraged by the price tag. Under normal circumstances, it would not be a big deal to pay to play, but with the baby on the way and all of the things that need to get done/bought/prepared, it started to look like less and less of a possibility. I  had pretty much given up on the idea of it actually happening.

V had other ideas, apparently. She, along with her family, and some people at the gym arranged for me to be able to do this challenge. Since I had hurt my back in October, I haven’t really ever gotten fully back on track. My eating has been OK, but I haven’t been working out a whole lot. Some, but not a lot. I thought that this challenge would be great to get me going again.

Since I received this gift, I have been thinking about what I think is “impossible”. It sort of reminds me of the quote by Henry Ford that went "Whether You Believe You Can, Or You Can’t, You Are Right".

I try to not really think of things as being “impossible”. More like “improbable” or “yeah, that would take a TON of work”.

For me, in terms of fitness, there are things that are surely impossible. Let’s face it, I am not going to bench press a car or run a mile in 4 minutes. This lead me into thinking about what some reasonable goals are. I am sure that when they kick this challenge off we will talk about this a lot, but I thought I’d start getting my ideas out so it’s not a surprise to pick a goal.

For me, my entire life, I’ve been the fat kid.

Let me back up. I was a skinny kid with pin straight hair and it was awesome. Then I turned 5 or something. At that point, it was like, some genetic “you’re fucked” switch went into full effect. I ballooned up and received my wonderful curly hair with no forehead. It was oh so fantastic.

From that point on, it has been pretty much a life long experience of being on the “overweight” side of the spectrum. Literally, I have NEVER looked in the mirror and thought “yeah, that’s good” or “yeah, I’m cool with that”. Mostly, I just say “eh” or “sigh” or something like that.

In recent years, we have been on the Paleo diet and it’s been mostly good. I feel good most of the time, but still, I don’t really think I look good. Not really happy when I look in the mirror. CrossFit is fun and I love the people that I have met and the friends that I made.

Clearly, I am doing something wrong.

If I had to pick my biggest goal or something that I think is “impossible” it would be to not feel like a loser when I look in the mirror. That’s not really a tangible goal though. I need something measurable and tangible to be able to say “I did it” or “nope, maybe next time”.

I think in the end it will be something like:

“Starting with a body fat percentage of <whatever it is now>, I would like to see a decrease of <something reasonable> with a downward trend after 8 weeks”.

I don’t really care about my weight that much as long as it’s reasonable. Don’t misunderstand here. This isn’t a goal of vanity. I don’t really care what anyone else thinks when they look at me. I’m sure there are people that look over at me and say “oooooohhh tubs” or something similar. I don’t want to “look good” for anyone else (maybe my wife hehe), but me.

I do have secondary goals though which I might try to hit along the way. They are mostly centered around getting back to where I was before I got hurt. I haven’t really thought much about how to tangible set these goals, but the abstract version of these goals would be:

  1. Become comfortable running again.
  2. Get my double unders back to where they were before getting hurt (around 30 before messing up).
  3. Dead lift 445# again and possibly increase it.
  4. Clean & Jerk 205#.

I think there’s more but I don’t have time to list it out right now.

Regardless, thank you to my awesome wife and her family for making this possible for me. Thanks also to all the CFCP people that knew about it and messed with my head. You are true friends and I love you guys and gals .

I am ready to work. I’m talkin’ to you, Fio.


Last night was tough. I haven’t been really moving around a whole lot due to a really busy schedule of home obligations, family visit, etc…

I am still working on keeping a really close eye on form and not letting myself get carried away with the clock. Needless to say, I was pretty much toast after just the warm up last night. By the time the actual WOD came around, I wasn’t feeling too good. It was:

  • 20 dumbbell thrusters
  • Red strip run (200m)
  • 15 dumbbell thrusters
  • Red strip run (200m)
  • 10 dumbbell thrusters
  • Red strip run (200m)
  • 5 dumbell thrusters
  • Red strip run (200m)

I came in last in the class with a craptastic time of 7:36 with 25# dumbbells.

Poor “Annie”…

I went up to CFCP after work on Friday feeling tired and really not interested in working out. I wouldn’t have gone if not for Victoria egging me on, encouraging me that it would make me feel better.

It was an interesting class as it was my first with [now] Coach Trevor!

We started off with the new standard warm up… 6-count burpees, high-knees, butt-kicks, push ups, squats, etc. We then did the following:

  1. Tabata Push Ups – I think I scored 66 on this.
  2. 3×10 Back Squats – This sort of scared me as this is how I hurt my back. I took it REALLY easy on these and used 45#, 75#, and 105#. I asked Trevor to keep a really close eye on my form. I used a ball to make sure I wasn’t going too low. I went slow and stayed REALLY conscious of what I was doing making sure to hit all of my points on the back squat (toes curled up, weight on my heels, chin and chest up, etc).
  3. “Annie” – If you don’t know, Annie is a 50-40-30-20-10 scheme of double-unders and sit ups. I had to modify this heavily. At first, I thought the only mod I would need is to do singles as the impact from doubles still makes my back feel not so great. I did 2x on the jumps, so 100-80-60-40-20. On my first set of sit ups, I got to about 35 and then my ab muscles started cramping really hard every time I sat up, to the point where I couldn’t do sit ups! How frustrating. I finished the WOD out doing crunches. I think my time was in the 7:50ish area.

Back for WOD #2 of the week. Feeling a bit sore from Monday, but that’s cool.


  • 500m row
  • 10 box jumps
  • 2x (12 GHD/Back Ext, 10 KB Swings @ 1.5 pood)
  • 2x (5 dead hang pull ups, 6 HSPU (Blue + Green Bands))


15 Minute AMRAP

  • 3 burpees
  • 6 power cleans (95#)
  • 9 sit-ups (this was supposed to be K2E, but they hurt my back)

I got in 11 rounds + (3 burpees & 1 power clean). The Rx on the power cleans was 135#, but I am not there yet. I did every one as consciously as possible keeping really good form. I REALLY don’t want to hurt myself again. All in all, I felt really good during this WOD.

In other news, I felt the baby kick for the first time this week! Although V has been feeling it moving around a ton, I finally got to feel the little thing kick my hand! How cool was that!

We are making lots of progress in getting ready Xander/Brenna’s arrival. Jason, from CFCP was awesome enough to help me pick up the dresser and crib that bought from Babies R Us. Thankfully, the dresser was already assembled. I hate building drawers. Anyway, since we got the dresser and the closet all done, V has been washing all of the baby clothes that have been donated to us by friends, sorting them, and getting them ready to go. Yes, I know we have a long time to go, but hey, I feel the more we get done sooner, the less we will have to worry about later. Some think we are nuts for doing things so early, but I don’t care.

I am going to wait until my parents are here during the week of the 11th to put the crib together with my dad. It will be some nice father/son building bonding time.

We are working on finishing our Christmas shopping. I remember how much I used to spend on gifts for people and really, I wish I could still do it, but sadly, I can’t buy the way that I used to anymore. This year, I am trying to focus on buying people stuff that they will actually like while trying to keep within a pretty strict budget. Between V and myself, we have a lot of people to buy for.