Back for WOD #2 of the week. Feeling a bit sore from Monday, but that’s cool.


  • 500m row
  • 10 box jumps
  • 2x (12 GHD/Back Ext, 10 KB Swings @ 1.5 pood)
  • 2x (5 dead hang pull ups, 6 HSPU (Blue + Green Bands))


15 Minute AMRAP

  • 3 burpees
  • 6 power cleans (95#)
  • 9 sit-ups (this was supposed to be K2E, but they hurt my back)

I got in 11 rounds + (3 burpees & 1 power clean). The Rx on the power cleans was 135#, but I am not there yet. I did every one as consciously as possible keeping really good form. I REALLY don’t want to hurt myself again. All in all, I felt really good during this WOD.

In other news, I felt the baby kick for the first time this week! Although V has been feeling it moving around a ton, I finally got to feel the little thing kick my hand! How cool was that!

We are making lots of progress in getting ready Xander/Brenna’s arrival. Jason, from CFCP was awesome enough to help me pick up the dresser and crib that bought from Babies R Us. Thankfully, the dresser was already assembled. I hate building drawers. Anyway, since we got the dresser and the closet all done, V has been washing all of the baby clothes that have been donated to us by friends, sorting them, and getting them ready to go. Yes, I know we have a long time to go, but hey, I feel the more we get done sooner, the less we will have to worry about later. Some think we are nuts for doing things so early, but I don’t care.

I am going to wait until my parents are here during the week of the 11th to put the crib together with my dad. It will be some nice father/son building bonding time.

We are working on finishing our Christmas shopping. I remember how much I used to spend on gifts for people and really, I wish I could still do it, but sadly, I can’t buy the way that I used to anymore. This year, I am trying to focus on buying people stuff that they will actually like while trying to keep within a pretty strict budget. Between V and myself, we have a lot of people to buy for.

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