Tag Archives: Food

Chain Gang

Last night was a good night. Bigg Dave had some fun stuff planned for us (see below) and Brenna was really good for most of the class. We brought her pack & play and she stayed in there, content with her toys, for almost the entire class. We did leave “early” at 9pm, though so we could get her home and get her to sleep.

Anyway,here’s what we did:

  • Stretches
  • 50 GHDs
  • 50 GHBEs (35#)
  • 3 minutes of whatever you want with a kettle bell (1.5 pood)
  • 50 Hang Squat Snatch with the bar (technique practice)
  • Dead lift protocol (3x (3 1/2 dead lifts with 85%-95% of 1RM + 8 box jumps)) 420#x3 / 20″x1, 24″x2
  • Back Squat 8 – 5 – 3 (225#, 275#, 305#)
  • Back Squat 2×5 @ 75% of 1RM WITH CHAINS (4×275# with 1 set of chains, 1×275# with 2 sets of chains)
  • Back Squat 1×15 @ 50% of 1RM AFAP (185#)
  • Press Strip Set 5 – f – f – f – f (8@135#, 5@105#, 3@85#, 3@65#, 2@45#)


Food went really well yesterday too:


Sleep is really the only thing that still is lacking a bit, but it’s getting better. Brenna as gotten to the point where she’s too big for the bassinette in her pack & play. The directions on it say to stop using it if the baby is 15# OR if they can press up, whichever comes first. Well, she’s right around 15# AND she can press up, so we are done there. To compound things, her swaddling blanket is too small for her and I can’t swaddle with a normal blanket. I’m just a spaz like that. Dealwithit. In light of all of that, we now have her sleeping in the pack & play, in our room, un-swaddled (just with really cute footy pajamas).

The night before last was really tough. She hated it. She didn’t want to be left in there alone. Last night was a little better. We had her down at around 930pm, but she woke up screaming around 1030pm or so. We couldn’t get her to go back to sleep for realz until about 1230am-ish.

We are working really hard on letting her cry and fuss more. Neither of us are really fans of the CIO method, but she’s really got to learn to put herself to sleep. Now, we let her cry and fuss as long as she isn’t in hysterics. Once she gets there we pick her up and console her. It’s funny how we both know exactly when she crosses that line into hysterics. It’s almost like the whistling tea kettle, but, with a kid, and more subtle.

Ok, I’m rambling.

What Have I Been Eating

Wednesday, 2/9/2011

7:10am: Breakfast @ Hotel Restaurant: 3 eggs with bacon, spinach, and mushrooms. Hot tea.

11:10am: Lunch @ The Apollo Diner: Greek gyro salad with Asian slaw

5:00pm: Dinner @ The Airport: Greek salad with Jamaican jerk chicken


————————————- BACK IN AUSTIN ————————————-

Thursday, 2/10/2011

11:00am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms and spinach with hot tea

4:45pm: Lunch/Dinner: Hamburger salad with paleo mayo and red hot

9:15pm: Dinner: Ground beef with tomato sauce with a bag of broccoli (DNF)

Friday, 2/11/2011

9:10am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms and spinach coffee with heavy cream

2:20pm: Lunch: Chipotle salad with barbacoa & guac.

5:45pm: WOD: Strict ring pull ups in sets until failure. 2x{5kb c&j, 10 goblet squats, 5kb snatches, 10 goblet squats} untimed.

8:10pm: Dinner: 1/2lb Rudy’s Brisket with pickles. Side mixed greens salad.

Saturday, 2/12/2011

6:45am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms, greens drink

8am-11am: WODs: Operation Get Some; didn’t place

1:00pm: Hamburger salad with paleo mayo and red hot. 1 square of 88% dark chocolate for dessert.

7:30pm: Dinner from Tino’s: Greek salad with gyro meat, beef stew meat (skipped the potato). Lots of veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and mousaka).

Sunday, 2/13/2011

10:30am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with onion, mushrooms and spinach coffee with heavy cream

1:45pm: Lunch @ TerraBurger: Hill country burger with fries. YUM!

8:00pm: Dinner: GF pasta with meat sauce, broccoli, mozzerella, and parmesan.


Monday, 2/14/2011

9:00am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms and spinach coffee with heavy cream

11:00am: V-Day Snack: 3 bacon roses (rolled up bacon)

3:15pm: Lunch: Chili from TerraBurger and large mixed green/spinach salad

7:00pm: Dinner: Red/Gold beet salad with balsamic reduction, stuffed chicken breast with asparagus, dark chocolate covered strawberries

Tuesday, 2/15/2011

8:40am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms, spinach, and bacon. Coffee w heavy cream.

1:20pm: Lunch: Spicy chicken breast w red peppers. Large mixed greens and spinach salad.

5:45pm: WOD: "Gwen": 95#

7:30pm: Dinner: Spicy chicken breast w red peppers. Entire bag of broccoli.

Wednesday, 2/16/2011

8:50am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms, spinach, and bacon. Coffee w heavy cream.

2:00pm: Lunch: Spicy chicken breast w red peppers. Large mixed greens and spinach salad.

5:45pm: WOD: 4x{7 dead lift @ 185#, 800m run}: 21:48

9:30pm: Dinner: 8 slices of buffalo with large mixed green and spinach salad.

Thursday, 2/17/2011

9:00am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms, spinach, and bacon. Coffee w heavy cream.

1:30pm: Lunch @ Chipotle: Salad with barbacoa.

5:20pm: Dinner @ Tino’s: Combo (chicken/gyro) salad. Avoided the dairy as best as possible.

Friday, 2/18/2011

9:00am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms, spinach, and bacon. Coffee w heavy cream.

1:40pm: Lunch: 1/2 a buffalo steak with large bowl of cabbage.

5:45pm: WOD: 3min work/2min rest {pull ups, push ups, dumbbell thrusters, double unders, sprints}: 41, 60, 20, 70, 5 = 196

8:00pm: Dinner from Rudy’s: 1/2lb lean brisket, 1 rib, large mixed greens and spinach salad.

Saturday, 2/19/2011

8:50am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms, spinach, and bacon. Coffee w heavy cream.

1:00pm: Lunch @ 24 Diner: Chopped salad with chicken and shallot vinaigrette.

8:00pm: Dinner @ Plucker’s: Potato chip app, monster basket (1 left, argh), brownie dessert

Sunday, 2/20/2011

Slept in, missed breakfast

11:40am: WOD: Mile Time Trial: 7:28 (w00t!!)

12:20pm: Brunch: 2 eggs with mushrooms, spinach, and bacon. Coffee w heavy cream.

5:00pm: Snack: Shake – egg protein, greens, water, coconut milk, 2 strawberries

8:40pm: Dinner: Stir fry with chicken, whole bag of broccoli, and celery.

Monday, 2/21/2011

9:00am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms, spinach, and bacon. Coffee w heavy cream.

1:45pm: Lunch: 1/2 buffalo steak with large mixed greens and spinach salad.

5:45pm: WOD: 20 min AMRAP {15 back squat, 8 weighted step up, 10 burpees} @ 95# – 5 rounds + 4 step ups

7:45pm: Dinner: 1/2 NY Strip Steak with grilled asparagus and large mixed greens and spinach salad.

Tuesday, 2/22/2011

8:10am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with mushrooms, spinach, and bacon. Coffee w heavy cream.

Red and Gold Beet Salad with Balsamic Honey Reduction

Here’s an appetizer that I made on Valentine’s Day. I have had this in a few places and thought it was delicious!

What you need:

  • 1 red beet
  • 1 golden beet
  • Arugula
  • Honey
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Goat Cheese
  • Parmesan Cheese

How you do it:

Cook the beats.

  1. Peel them, half them, and place them in a pot so they are just covered with water.
  2. Place over medium heat and cook until fork tender.
  3. Remove the beets, let them cool, then cube them.

Make the balsamic honey reduction.

  1. Place about 1/2c of balsamic vinegar in a small pot over medium heat. Add 2-4 tablespoons of honey depending on how sweet you like it.
  2. Reduce until it’s about 1/2 of it’s original volume. Pay close attention here as this might boil over if left alone for too long.

Make the Parmesan crisps.

  1. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 325F.
  2. Take about 1/2c of Parmesan cheese and make 6 nicely spaced piles on the cookie sheet.
  3. Cook for 8-10 minutes until just slightly browned.
  4. Remove from stove and let cool to become more rigid.

Assemble it!

  1. Find a nice plate.
  2. Put a good handful of arugula down.
  3. Sprinkle some cubed beets around.
  4. Flake some goat cheese over the top.
  5. Using a fork, dip the prongs into the reduction then drizzle fancy little lines all over the place.
  6. Take 2 Parmesan crisps and lean them up against each other anchoring them in the bed of arugula.


The weekend

Friday Night (2/11/2011), I was still feeling pretty sick. I felt that, if I did the WOD that was on the site for the day (Nicole, 400m run, pull ups to failure for 20 minutes) that it would not be good for me.

Dave told me to come to the clinic and we’d find something for me. It ended up being pretty easy going, but fun still. I did the following:

  • Strict ring pull ups in sets until failure. I think I got 6 or 7 sets of 1-3. No idea on the total.
  • 2x{5 kb clean & jerk (each arm), 10 goblet squats, 5 kb snatch (each arm), 10 goblet squats} untimed

Saturday was “Operation Get Some”, an event that Wladi and Carson planned. They did a fantastic job and everyone had a lot of fun. Mostly. I wrote a separate posting about that, as I have… well, let’s just say “issues that I should probably see someone for”.

After OGS, we got home and ate lunch. As we were settling in to relax for a bit, I got a call from my Grandmother that she was headed to the ER as she had been throwing up all night and was starting to get chest pains.

V and I met her there at the ER and she was very quickly admitted. The doctors did some tests and quickly determined that she had atrial fibrillation. She had never had this before.

Anyway, they gave her a few different drugs to get her heart rate under control as it was in the 170s and 180s, peaking even near 200 at times. That’s very scary and very dangerous. They also did a few other tests like blood work, cat scan (to check for clots), cardiograms, etc and all looked good.

Once her heart rate was under control and she was feeling better they decided to admit her overnight to the ICU. The drug that they put her on has to be monitored closely as it can lead to low blood pressure and low heart rate. They were very clear about why they were putting her in the ICU; not because she was unstable, but because people need close monitoring on that drug.

The long and short of it is that she ended up being able to go home yesterday (Sunday) after just 1 night’s stay. The cardiologist believes that the stress and nutrient depletion of throwing up for 12 hours straight led to her heart entering into this abnormal beat pattern. Once they slowed her heart rate, her heart went back to a normal pattern by itself pretty quickly.

She’s got a few follow ups to make but she will be fine.

The question now is, what the hell did she do to make herself throw up for 12 hours?! That sounds like a stomach virus to me and from what I hear, her neighbor’s kids have both had that sort of thing on and off. Whether or not it came from them, who knows. I am not trying to place blame. It very well could have also been from something that she ate. Whatever it was, I hope it doesn’t happen to her again.

Sunday was mostly a wash. We stayed in bed late, then got up and ate breakfast. We had a house painter come over to give a quote which we happily accepted. After that, we went over to Costco and Whole Foods for groceries, then I headed to the hospital for a visit and ended up bringing her home. By the time I got home, there wasn’t much left in me for a lot. I made dinner and got a lot of stuff prepped for our Valentine’s dinner today. Speaking of which, here’s what’s on the menu:


  1. Red and Gold beet salad with arugula, goat cheese, and balsamic honey reduction.
  2. Parmesan crisps.


Chicken breast stuffed with spinach, mushrooms, garlic, parmesan cheese & covered with tomato cream sauce. Side of roasted asparagus.


Chocolate covered strawberries (choice of dark or milk chocolate).

I am very much looking forward to sharing a romantic dinner with V. Life has been very busy lately (I know, I know, just wait) and we haven’t really spent lots of quality time together.

What Have I Been Eating

Sunday, 1/30/2011

9:30am: Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs + 3 veggie cakes (carrot/zucchini) + coffee w/ heavy cream

3:30pm: Lunch: Paleo chicken salad with mixed green salad.

9:00pm: Dinner: Buffalo chopped salad.


Monday, 1/31/2011

6:30am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms, coffee w/ heavy cream

12:30pm: Lunch: Stir fry – 1c chicken, whole bag of broccoli, carrots/celery

3:30pm: Snack: 1/2 paleo chicken salad

6:30pm: WOD – 3x{30 OHS@75#, 400m run, 21 pull ups} – 21:51, cycled 5 butterfly kips

7:50pm: Dinner: 1 small hamburger (GF beef) over lots of greens, 1 tomato, and 1 pickle dressed with paleo mayo + red hot

Tuesday, 2/1/2011

8:40am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with buffalo (about 1/2c), spinach, and mushrooms, coffee w/ heavy cream

2:05pm: Lunch: Ground beef + spinach + rotelle + spinach

7:00pm: WOD: Tabata Tabata: All rounds 11/12/13, Snatches, got up to 145#

9:20pm: Dinner: Chicken chopped salad

Wednesday, 2/2/2011

9:40am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms, coffee w/ heavy cream

1:40pm: Lunch: Ground beef + spinach + rotelle + spices + coconut milk

4:45pm: Snack: 1/4c nuts/seeds + 1/4c coconut

7:00pm: WOD: 15/30, 12/24, 9/18, 6/12, 3/6 power clean/ring dip: 14:05

8:10pm: Dinner @ Manuel’s: 1/2 ceviche Appetizer followed by beef and chicken fajitas with extra vegetables, lettuce, and guac.

Thursday, 2/3/2011

9:40am: Breakfast: 2 eggs plus some lunch from yesterday

3:00pm: Lunch: 2c paleo chicken salad + lots of arugula + food processor

10:30pm: Dinner: 1 Chicken breast + 1 bag of broccoli + mushrooms + artichokes stir fried with some liquid aminos

Friday, 2/4/2011

10:00am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms + 3 slices of bacon, coffee w/ heavy cream

3:00pm: Lunch: Chipotle salad with carnitas and barbacoa + guac

5:45pm: WOD: 50-40-30-20-10 double unders with 10 burpees between each set: 8:15

7:30pm: Lunch: Ground beef + spinach + rotelle + spinach

Saturday, 2/5/2011

10:30am: Breakfast: 3 paleo pancakes (almond flour + egg) with spinach and bacon hash

2:00pm: Lunch: Hamburger salad (1 burger, lots of greens, tomato, pickle, paleo mayo, red hot)

2:30pm-6:00pm: WOD: Helped Ryan Christian move. Lifted a lot of heavy stuff.

8:30pm: Dinner: 1/2 a pizza (canadian bacon, mushrooms, pineapple), 10 boneless wings, chocolate chip cookies (many)

Sunday, 2/6/2011

10:40am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms + 2 slices of bacon

———————- Traveling to Pittsburgh ———————-

5:20pm: Airport Snack: Paleo trail mix, a few handfuls.

9:15pm: Dinner @ Hotel Restaurant: Lg spinach salad with lg plate of chicken/beef fajitas

Monday, 2/7/2011

8:10am: Breakfast @ Hotel Restaurant: Omelet with sausage and double spinach, side of bacon. Totally DNF’d. Coffee w/ cream.

1:30pm: Lunch @ Cafeteria: Lg Salad (mixed greens, spinach, egg, turkey, tomato, cucumber, beets, bacon bits, vinegar, and oil)

6:15pm: WOD: 10x{10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 10 squats, 10 double unders (don’t count unless unbroken)}: Didn’t time. Was sharing my rope, but I would guess ballpark 9-11 minutes.

7:40pm: Dinner @ Toast! (Tasting menu): Lamb ribs with fennel, salmon with green beans, Caesar salad, beet salad, suckling pig, duck confit.

Tuesday, 2/8/2011

8:00am: Breakfast @ Hotel Restaurant: Omelet with double spinach, bacon, and mushrooms + hot tea

1:30pm: Lunch @ Nine on Nine: Beet salad followed by hanger steak salad (fork dipped the ranch).

6:00pm: WOD: Muscles under load. Back squat, lat pull down, shoulder press, and bench press. 10s up 10s down until failure, 2 sets each.

7:45pm: Dinner @ Toast! (Tasting menu): Lamb ribs, fried brussel sprout leaves, trout with kale, salmon, spinach salad with bacon dressing with an over easy egg, beet salad with arugula and goat cheese, hanger steak with yams (at a tiny bite) and parsnip, rib eye with sweet potato, and regular potato (but I didn’t eat the potatoes).

What I’ve Been Eating

Wednesday, 1/26/2011

7:40am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms

1:10pm: Lunch: 1/2lb ground beef with spinach, tomatoes, and spices

6:30pm: WOD: 3x r/l turkish getup, 3x r/l KB c&j, 3x r/l KB snatch, 1.5 pood, 16:16

8:30pm: Dinner: Chipotle salad: Double meat (carnitas), double veg, just tobasco for dressing

Thursday, 1/27/2011

8:05am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms, plus coffee w/ heavy cream

1:05pm: Lunch: 1.5c paleo chicken salad, bowl of broccoli coup

8:30pm: WOD: 100 sit ups, 100 reverse sit ups, no time.

9:20pm: Dinner: Bowl of broccoli soup, 5 slices of buffalo, 1/2 avocado

Friday, 1/28/2011

8:20am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms, plus coffee w/ heavy cream

12:05pm: Lunch: 1.5c paleo chicken salad, bowl of broccoli coup

6:30pm: WOD: Row 1k, Run 800m, Row 1k, 13:05. Pow!

9:50pm: Dinner @ Pluckers: Salad with extra meat +bacon, -cheese. Used medium for dressing.


Saturday, 1/29/2011

8:30am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms, plus coffee w/ heavy cream

9:30am: WOD: Open Gym "Superbowl Shuffle" – AMRAP(20) of 7 burpees, 14 push ups, 21 box jumps, 28 lunges (14 r/l). Wasn’t counting but I think I got 5 rounds.

11:50am: Lunch: Beef with rotelle and lots of spinach

5:50pm: Dinner @ Homeslice: 3 pieces of pizza (2 reg, 1 pepperoni), PBJ Donut from Gordough’s

What I’ve Been Eating

I meant to post this a few days ago, but since I have been logging food for the “I Do The Impossible” challenge, I thought I’d post it. WODs are in yellow and cheats are in red. NOM!

Sunday 1/09/2011 (Traveling to Lincoln, NE, got laid over in Chicago)

7:30am: Wake Up + H20 w Greens powdery stuff

7:45am: Breakfast: 3 eggs w/ organic ham

11:20am: Lunch: Chicken Salad from Terra Burger (chicken, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, avocado, santa fe dressing)

3:20pm: Snack: 1/3c of paleo trail mix (almond, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, coconut flakes)

8:20pm: Dinner (ordered from crappy place that would deliver to hotel): Nasty Salad (lettuce, spinach, chicken, pepperoni, tomato, eggs, pepperoncini, bacon, salsa ranch)

Monday 1/10/2011 (In Lincoln, NE)

5:00am: Wake Up + H20 w Greens powdery stuff

6:00am: Breakfast in the airport: 2 scrambled eggs + 4 pieces of bacon from Chili’s to go. It was disgusting and ate 1/2 the eggs. Bought an apple after and ate it.

1:00pm: Lunch: 1/2c taco meat w/tomato + salad (lettuce, tomato, peppers, eggs, sunflower seeds, tiny bit of ranch), coffee black

6:30pm: Dinner: 1.5c ground beef w/spices & rotelle + whole bag of broccoli w/ pastured butter

WOD – 150 pushups w 65 singles on every break… about 12 breaks & scaled push ups after about 50.

Tuesday 1/11/2011 (In Lincoln, NE)

8:00am Wake Up + H20 w Greens powdery stuff

8:15am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with rest of dinner from last night + spinach; coffee w/heavy cream

12:00pm: Lunch: Salad (greens, egg, tomato, cucumber, turkey, ham, & roast beef with a tiny bit of blue cheese dressing)

5:40pm: Dinner: 6 Chicken tenders with spices cooked with a red pepper + 2c broccoli w pastured butter + 1/2 avocado

WOD – Tabata sit ups in hotel room: 81

Wednesday 1/12/2011 (In Lincoln, NE)

8:20am: Wake Up + H20 w Greens powdery stuff

8:40am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and Italian sausage + 2 slices of bacon.

1:15pm: Lunch: Cup of chili (removed beans) + chopped salad (lettuce, bacon, chicken, peppers, tomato, green onion, & vinaigrette)

WOD @ ~6pm: FGB 263 (PR)

7:30pm: Dinner: Cup of French onion soup (no crouton/cheese thing) + NY Strip steak w/asparagus

Thursday 1/13/2011 (Traveling home from Lincoln, NE)

4:00am: Wake Up + H20 w Greens powdery stuff

4:20am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and Italian sausage + 2 slices of bacon.

9:30am: Second Breakfast: Omelet with ham, mushrooms, red pepper, & Swiss cheese (I asked for no cheese, but they put it in anyway, I hate sending food back). There was a cup of fruit but I only ate like 2 pieces of it.

12:10pm: Lunch: Chef’s Salad (greens, tomato, egg, avocado, carrots, bacon, blue cheese dressing, used the fork dip method and used very little dressing)

9:00pm:  Dinner: 1.5c paleo chicken salad + spices, 1/3c artichoke hearts

Friday 1/14/2011 (back home)

8:00am: Wake up + H20 w Greens powdery stuff

9:20am: Breakfast: 2 eggs w/ spinach, peppers, & onions

1:15pm: Lunch: 1c ground beef cooked in tomato sauce with ~2c broccoli.

7:45pm: Dinner: Chipotle Salad (Greens, carnitas, peppers, onions, salsa, guac, tobasco (no dressing))

WOD 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 (muscle snatch, hang squat snatch, full squat snatch) – weights were 75#, 95#, 105#, 115#, 135#, then 15 minutes to find 1 RM snatch – 155#, then 100 jack knives for time (3:40, PR)

Saturday 1/15/2011

8:00am: Wake up + H20 w Greens powdery stuff

8:25am: Breakfast: 2c paleo chicken salad & coffee with heavy cream

9:30am: WOD – Buddy Workout (1000m row, 150 {squats, sit ups, push ups, pull ups}, 1200m row) Jody and I took 28:51 to do it.

12:20pm: Lunch: 1c ground beef cooked in tomato sauce with ~2c broccol + more H20 with greens.

7:30pm: Dinner: Cheat meal @ Plucker’s followed by Amy’s Ice cream. 1/2 tabata burpees before and 1.5 hr after.

Sunday, 1/16/2011

10:00am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach, red peppers, and ground beef

2:00pm: Lunch: TerraBurger Chili with mixed green/spinach salad

6:00pm: Dinner: Home made chicken soup with 1.5c broccoli w/butter

8:30pm: Dinner (again): 1c chuck roast with carrots and celery

Monday, 1/17/2011

8:00am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with ground yak and spinach, coffee with heavy cream

1:40pm: Lunch: 2c paleo chicken salad with spinach added in

6:00pm: WOD – Tabata This – 321

7:00pm: Post WOD Shake: 1/2 can coconut milk, Greens, 6 raspberries, 1 scoop egg protein

8:00pm: Dinner: (Foraging at my Grandmother’s house) 2c iceberg lettuce with EVOO & red wine vinegar + 2 slices pork roast with spinach, mushrooms, & tomatoes

Tuesday, 1/18/2011

8:00am: Breakfast: ground beef cooked in tomatoes and mushrooms with broccoli

1:00pm: Lunch: 2c chuck roast with carrots and celery

7:30pm: Dinner: TerraBurger chili (asked for no cheese, but they put it on anyway, bastards) & large mixed greens and spinach salad + 1/2 avocado

Wednesday, 1/19/2011

8:00am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms

12:30pm: Lunch: 2c chuck roast with carrots and celery

6:00pm: WOD: 10-1 push jerks, 1-10 pullups, 135#, 12:48

7:30pm: Dinner: 6 chicken strips cooked in spices, 1/2 red pepper, 1/2 avocado, 1.5c broccoli

Thursday, 1/20/2011

8:30am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms

12:40pm: Lunch: 2c paleo chicken salad with spinach added in

5:00pm: Snack: 1/4 cup of paleo trail mix (nothing sweet.. nuts and coconut flakes)

9:20pm: Dinner: 2c chuck roast with carrots and celery + spinach and greens salad with EVOO & red wine vinegar

Friday, 1/21/2011

8:00am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms

12:20pm: Lunch: @ Perry’s: Iceberg Chopped salad, then Perry’s pork chop. DNF’d.

8:15pm: Dinner: @ Serrano’s for Carson’s bday: Fajitas (beef, chicken, pork, & sausage) with peppers/onions. Ate it only with lettuce and guac.

Saturday, 1/22/2011

8:20am: Breakfast: 2c paleo chicken salad with spinach added in

9:45am: WOD: Tabata Row (854), Tabata KB swings (didn’t count), Weighted (25#) 400m run

12:30pm: Lunch @ 24 Diner: Chopped Salad (romaine, chicken, ham, eggs, avocado, tomato, shallot vinaigrette)

8:30pm: Dinner @ Antonio’s: Fajitas (beef & chicken), ate it only with lettuce and guac

Sunday, 1/23/2011

9:00am: Breakfast: 2c paleo chicken salad with spinach added in

1:30pm: Lunch Cheat @ Original Pancake House: Grits followed by meat lover’s scramble with 3 small GF chocolate chip pancakes. 1/2 tabata burpees before & 1.5 hr after

8:00pm: Dinner Cheat @ TerraBurger: Hill country burger + bacon with sweet potato fries & vanilla shake 1/2 tabata burpees before & 1.5 hr after

Monday, 1/24/2011

7:50am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms

12:10pm: Lunch: 1.5c paleo chicken salad + mixed greens and spinach with balsamic vinaigrette

6:30pm: WOD: 5x {20 wall ball, 400m run}: 18:56

8:15pm: Dinner: Sliced flank steak with lots of broccoli and 1/2 avocado

Tuesday, 1/25/2011

8:30am: Breakfast: 2 eggs with spinach and mushrooms

12:30pm: Lunch: Steak salad (mixed greens, spinach, steak, tomato, avocado, EVOO, red wine vinegar)

4:30pm: Snack: 1/4c paleo trail mix w/ 2 tbs coconut milk

5:30pm: WOD: 1-1-1-1-1 strict press, 3-3-3-3-3, push press, 5-5-5-5-5 push jerk. Finished with 175#, 175# and 183# respectively. Follow this up with Tabata Run on treadmill.

7:45pm: Dinner: Broccoli soup with 1 chicken breast with mixed green/spinach salad.

Grocery Shopping

In my last post, I talked about going to the Sassy Pea market on Crystal Falls Pkway. While we were there, I started talking to V about the sense of satisfaction that I get from buying my food from people who actually know where it comes from.

I talked about this with my friend Ryon once and he said “I die a little inside every time I go to Costco”. I can’t think of a better way to say that.

Believe me, Costco has it’s uses, but I don’t really buy that many food items there anymore. Their meat isn’t grass fed and the majority of their produce is not organic. Lately, though, I am starting to see a few more organic products popping up here and there. Still though, there’s no way I can get everything I want/need as far as food goes there.

The next step we took was to start going to Whole Foods. Whole Foods claims that it’s chickens are free range and that it’s “grazing animals” are grass fed. Do I believe them? Well maybe. I don’t know. I can’t see them, nor can I talk to the person that raised the cows/pigs/chickens/etc. Also, their produce is too damn expensive and is shipped around the world from god knows where. In fact, I cracked a joke this weekend at the register asking when they would be accepting “first born child” as a method of payment as I “can’t afford this shit”. I will go adopt a kid and give it to Whole Foods if I have to.

Yes, I was joking. Luckily I can afford to pay for this crap. Hell, you can either pay for it now or later right? I guess I might as well pay now and hopefully not get a bunch of diseases later on.

Whole Foods does a great job of “selling organic”. Yes, I know that tons and tons of fossil fuel was burned to get this cauliflower to the store, but AT LEAST it wasn’t grown with nasty chemicals and <whatever>iscides. I always feel like I am doing something better for myself than buying the beef that walked around in it’s own shit and never saw a blade of grass from Costco/HEB/Walmat/<supermarket>.

I guess where I am headed with all of this is that I want local and I want organic. Yes. I am one of the hippies that I used to always bitch about. The corporate machine, man, the corporate machine is killing the people of this country with the terrible food that they MANUFACTURE to make money. And yes, people are WAY to stupid to know what is going on. Not many people want to know where their food actually comes from and what’s in it.

Getting back to the Sassy Pea market…

I loved shopping here because the woman that I interacted with knows the rancher that she gets the beef from. She knows about the cows, what they ate, why they ate it, and all sorts of great things like that. Do you know what YOU’RE steak ate before you ate it? I’ll bet you don’t. Maybe you THINK you do, but you probably don’t.

Starting on March 27th, Cedar Park will get it’s own Farmer’s Market and I could not be more ecstatic. There is no better food buying experience than being able to ask the person selling you the food how it was produced, what’s in it, and what practices are used. Try THAT at HEB while you buy your <manufactured chemical piece of shit> along with your <two free pieces of shit> that come along with it. Now THAT’S loco.