Tag Archives: Diane

Diane and Run/Row

Tuesday, 3/22/2011

15 minutes to find max dead lift. Then,


21 – 15 – 9

  • Dead lift @ 225#
  • Hand stand push up (green + black bands)

Time: 6:58

I really thought I would be able to PR on the deadlift. I got 425# up with relative easy. I then tried 450# and started to feel my back hurting. Again, I had to stop short and I did not want to injure myself. Sucks.

“Diane” was ok. I debated heavily whether or not I wanted to Rx on the dead lifts as my lower back was feeling really sore. After resting for a bit I decided to just do it and pace it out. It worked out fine. The HSPU’s were too easy with the green / black bands.


Thursday, 3/24/2011

20 min AMRAP – 2 person team; 1 person rows until the other completes 800m run.

My buddy Chris teamed  up with me on this one. In totally, we got 4 rounds and I think 4134m rowed. Running a mile + rowing a 2k in 20 minutes is not bad at all!


I had mixed feelings when I walked into the box last night and saw this one. Dead lifts? Yay! Hand stand push ups? No!

Before all that though, we did a bunch of stuff which goes to show you that “our warm up is your workout”.

Warm up:

  • Jog 400m
  • Lunge Stretch
  • Lunge Cross
  • 10 burpees
  • 3x {6 power cleans, 10 GHD sit ups, 10 GHD back extensions}
  • 10 burpees


“Death By Double Unders” – 10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50 unbroken. I PR’d again on these and did 20 consecutive. I never did make it to 30 though…



21 – 15 – 9

  • Dead lift (225#)
  • HSPU (Green + Blue Bands)

Time: 9:24

There’s not really much to write about this one. The dead lifts were OK. I took breaks as needed and watched my form closely. The HSPU were interesting as it was the first time I had done them on the bands. I almost fell forward a few times, but eventually got used to catching the band with my feet.