Tag Archives: Hang Cleans

Getting Strong

Lots of hard work again at CFCP last night. It’s amazing to see some of the advances that people are making. Here’s last night’s madness.

  • Stretches
  • 50 GHDs/GHBE (25#)
  • 50 Heavy Russian KB Swings (2.5 Pood)
  • 3 mins of KB Complex (1.5 Pood)
  • Deadlift Protocol (415#/24″)
  • 3×3 Hang Squat Cleans (135#, 155#, 175#)
  • 4×3 Back Squat (305#, 315#, 325#, 335#)
  • 4×3 Weighted Dips (20#, 35#, 40#, 55#)
  • 1 StoF of Dips (9)
  • Hang on rope as long as possible (not long, didn’t time)

In other news, things have been good at the Goldstein house. Little miss Brenna did her first coloring last week. I am super proud and think it’s awesome =)

Brenna’s First Coloring first coloring .pdf


I have been looking forward to trying out DT for a while now. I LOVE barbell workouts. They are by far, my favorite thing to do when it comes to fitness. I don’t know what it is about it. Maybe it’s the sense of satisfaction you get you execute a  perfect lift rather than muscling the weight up. There’s a difference… it’s a huge difference and very noticeable. 

In times of debating the merits of Crossfit vs. other fitness training regiments, I have come across the argument that Crossfit is “mindless” and “requires no skill”. If that is how you feel, try this workout and see if it changes your mind a little.

DT is 5 rounds of:

  • 12 dead lifts
  • 9 hang cleans
  • 6 push jerks

The “Rx” on this WOD for men should be 155lbs.

As I said in the beginning, I have been looking forward to this one for quite some time. This one is all about technique, technique, and some more technique. You need have your hook grip working and you need to know how to do hang cleans efficiently.

I do not yet know how to do hang cleans efficiently. We hardly ever really have them in WODs at our box. That’s not an excuse, more so just a fact. We don’t do them very often.

I decided to go with 135lbs for this one as the hang cleans would be my weakness. My time was 16:30. Come to think of it, the last time I remember doing hang cleans in a WOD was really close to when we first started and my 3 rep max was 135lb.

The dead lifts were cake. The push jerks were slightly challenging. I didn’t have to break on any of them. The hang cleans SUCKED. I can see why the hook grip is so important here. I would say at least 3 times during this WOD, I got to the shrug part of the movement and the bar came right out of my hands. Had I had the hook grip on, that would have not happened. I think I need a thinner bar to accommodate my stubby fingers =).

I am still happy with my performance and look forward to trying this one again.