My first day back to crossfit in a week and we finally get a strength workout! There were 2 mini workouts:
1) Back squats: 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3
2) Pull up ladder (for every minute, do that number of pull ups until you can’t anymore)
My max on the back squats for today was 225lbs. I never reached failure, so I assume I can probably try for a bit more next time. I was happy being a bit conservative today as it was my first time doing them.
I made it through 9 rounds of the pull up ladder (9 + 8 + 7 + 6…). Victoria, the little badass, after she told me to stop bitching about the barbell hurting my neck muscles, then proceeded to own me on the pull up ladder. She made it through an impressive 13 rounds.
This was, however, the first workout where I wasn’t doing jumping pull ups. I moved up to a band and actually started trying to do some kipping. The band helped quite a bit.
In other news, I got results to my blood work from the physical I took on my birthday. I have to say that for the most part, I am very pleased with what I see. For those of you that read this and are always wondering about “that weird eating thing” that I do, I think this is some pretty good evidence that paleo works despite what you might thing about the amount of meat, fat, etc that I take in. If you’d like to see the results, here’s a link:
Hi Bryan,
I am loving keeping up with you and Victoria’s Crossfit adventures through this blog! I did a pull-up ladder yesterday at my gym up here in MN as well! I know it’s hard to believe, but V is an even bigger badass than me too
I only got to 12 rounds with the green band. Keep it up you guys!