I didn’t get very much sleep last night. Surprise, surprise. I woke up in a pretty bad mood and very groggy. When we got to crossfit, there was no one there, but eventually Nikki showed up and we got started.
I did have a sense of apprehension about this being my first official workout. I knew that, as the universe operates, it would a workout that was aimed right at my weaknesses. In a rare turn of events, I was actually dead on right. Well… bring it, I guess.
As she was writing the workout on the board, I thought “this sucks, but not TOO bad”. Then she said “hey, let’s go do some tabata sprints outside”…. awesome. I was gassed before the workout even STARTED.
Warm up
– 3x {10 jumping jacks, squats, sit ups, back extensions}
2nd Warm Up (?)
– Tabata sprints, 8 rounds.
– 100ft Lunges
– 21 pull ups, sit ups
– 100ft Lunges
– 18 pull ups, sit ups
– 100ft Lunges
– 15 pull ups, sit ups
– 100ft Lunges
– 12 pull ups, sit ups
– 100ft Lunges
– 9 pull ups, sit ups
– 100ft Lunges
– 6 pull ups, sit ups
My time: 13:01
V’s time: 14:49
I pretty much sucked wind the entire time during this workout. The ride home was tough too. Because of the lack of sleep, horrible food from cheat day, and nothing in our stomachs, we both felt completely horrible on the way home. It didn’t help that I felt like I hit every red light and got behind every slow person too. What can you do…
V had it worse than I did. When she got home, she had to lay down for a bit and eat a banana. Her blood sugar had bottomed and she wasn’t feeling too hot. After a rest, she felt better.
I went to KF which turned out to be a good thing as there were some people there that needed some pakua help.