Tag Archives: Kelley

Kelley… again.

Dam you, Fio. Damn you.

Today’s WOD was, yes, Kelley. Good lord. I did this WOD a few weeks ago in Nashville at CrossFit Music City and it just blew.

Warm up


  • 20s hand stand hold
  • 12 GHD sit ups
  • 12 GHD back extensions
  • 3x push press at 75-80% 1RM (135#)

Skill – Snatch balance – Did this with PVC, 45#, 65#, then 95#.

WOD – Kelley

5x (yes, 5x)

  • 400m run
  • 30 wall ball (20#)
  • 30 box jumps (I stepped, 22″ box)

Time: 35:26.

The good.

Well, I came in 20s quicker than last time and I used a taller box. I guess that’s good. The first part of most of my 400s were really good as they are down hill. The return, not so much.

The bad.

I took less walk breaks than last time, but I still had lots of times where I just had no air and really wanted to quit.


I had much better sustained energy than I did last time. It was still killer, but I felt overall better than last time. Maybe it was just the type of day that I had last time. I don’t know. Either way, it was 35 minutes of suck, but a great workout nonetheless.


Wow, this WOD sucks.

I am here in Nashville (again), so I decided to drop in at CrossFit Music City. Boy, did they have a nice welcome gift for me…


5 rounds

  • 400m run
  • 30 box jumps (18″, I think)
  • 30 wall balls (20# medicine ball)

My time was 35:45.

The good.

I kept moving. I took breaks here and there, but I kept moving the entire time. Whether I was walking or stepping up, I tried my best to keep moving.

The bad.

I took lots of walk breaks after the first 2 rounds. After finishing 30 wall balls, I could barely catch my breath to start running again.


The WODs with 5 rounds are always mentally challenging for me. When you are exhausted after the first round, the rest of the WOD just seems insurmountable at times. I am proud that I finished this one and didn’t give up in the 2nd round like I really wanted to.

I was completely wiped out after the WOD.

After talking to some of the people there and paying my drop in fee, I sped over to Whole Foods and got a delicious post WOD meal. I should have taken a picture of it because it was beautiful, but it was about 1/2 of a sweet potato along with a plate filled 2/3 with meat (1/2 taco beef and 1/2 taco chicken), and 1/3 sautéed peppers and onions.

Thanks CrossFit Music City! Your people are really nice and I am looking forward to coming back next week.