
I feel bad today. Just… bad. I am not hurt… well, I’m a little sore from working out, but, mentally, just feel tired and drained… like I want to curl up into a ball, get in bed, and stay there for a few days…

There is just so much “bad” out there all the time and I feel constantly bombarded by it. I feel like it’s time to take the people that I love and move to our own private island away from all of this constant negativity.

The stock market is down again. Republicans don’t know what they’re talking about. Democrats don’t know what they’re talking about. Liberals don’t know what they’re talking about. Conservatives don’t know what they’re talking about. No one’s concerned about the damn bottom line.

Unemployment rises monthly. 10% of Americans are behind on their mortgages. We can’t reward irresponsibility. We have to help everyone! We can’t help everyone! We are spending more money than we have on bullshit programs that are ridiculous. My grandkids will still be paying.

There are chemtrails in the sky. They government is trying to take over my life.

My 401k has lost the majority of it’s value. I am still in debt. Our food is poisoned. Our minds are poisoned. Our culture is poisoned. Our kids are stupid and disrespectful. It is their fault. It’s not their fault. Their parents are still children. Most men’s testicles still haven’t descended after 35 years. Women want manly men but emasculate them at every turn.

People are selfish. They care only about themselves and how much money they make or how much of whatever they can accumulate for themselves. Our culture deteriorates daily. We become more and more base and ignorant with every passing day.

Fuck it, whatever…

My life is good. I have a great job. I don’t see any danger in being laid off. I have the best girlfriend in the world. I have a nice house & car that I can afford and that do the job for me. I have awesome friends that I would do anything for. My family is finally starting to get down here. It’s not all bad.

The world inside my house is fantastic… the world outside seems to be crumbling. I think argument and debate is great and leads to good ideas becoming great ideas, but for god sake, I am sick of it.

“Separation is an illusion”. It’s in my email signature… one of my friends just asked me what the deal with that was. It’s sort of apropos of this posting. I am not sure exactly when people will wake up and realize that everything they do and say has an impact. They may or may not be aware of the extent of this impact, but it is MOST certainly there.

Everything is connected to everything else in same way shape or form whether you realize it or not. What we do today has implications for 10 years from now and was brought about by things that may have happened 10 years ago.

During one of the teachers seminars at my KF school, one of the speakers said “you never tread so lightly that you don’t leave an impression”.

Chew on that for a bit….

Sorry everyone for the sort of randomness and “stream of consciousness” posting. Some of it probably doesn’t make sense. Please do not try and start a political argument with me from this posting. I don’t care to argue with you.

I guess I just needed to get it out.

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