
‘Tis the season, right?

‘Tis the season to be crazy, out of your mind, busy, stressed, double booked, triple booked, short, snappy, rude, consumed with what YOU need to do… I could go on but you get the idea.

I posted a status this morning about it being a really busy day of preparation on top of work as we are leaving for Mississippi tomorrow. In that status I said that I would try to recall to breathe.

I meant this as a joke or even (if you could believe it) a bit of sarcasm. The sad part is that most of us really do forget to breathe.

We react.

We feel like everything is going 1,000,000 mph around us.

We feel like we have no control.


Take a breath. Maybe take another one.

Stop and take a breath BEFORE we just let our lives continue speeding on around us or let that hurtful action or those hurtful words loose unto the universe, stop. Think. Breathe. Is that really the best way to proceed for yourself and everyone involved? It only takes a split second to make the decision. It literally can take a split second to realize that you have the power with your word, actions, and intent to make your or someone else’s day awesome or complete crap. You just have to recognize that you do in fact have a choice.

We are all in this together. Let’s try to maybe think about starting to act like it.

Let’s try to stop and take a breath.

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