I didn’t want to go to crossfit tonight. I didn’t feel like going to crossfit tonight. I felt like getting in bed and going to sleep. Work has been pretty heavy lately which has been taking a bit of a mental toll on me. But, damn it, I paid for 2x/week and I’m going to get it.
Tonight’s workout was another that I haven’t yet done. The warm up was:
- 10 reverse pull ups (aka ring rows)
- 10 burpees
- 10 squats
I got through 2 sets of this before I started feeling that crazy pressure in my head again. When I told Dave about it he had me do use the foam roller to stretch out my neck and upper chest. It started to feel better. Still though, I went lighter on the weight tonight that I normally would have because of this.
The workout was:
- 5 overhead squats
- 400m run
- 4 overhead squats
- 400m run
- 3 overhead squats
- 400m run
- 2 overhead squats
- 400m run
- 1 overhead squats
My time was 11:45 and I only used 65lbs. The squats were really easy and I need to use more weight next time. My biggest surprise about tonight’s workout was that I didn’t have to stop for a single walk break over the 4 runs. Usually after 2 runs, I need to start taking breaks. Although I wasn’t sprinting, I was running and didn’t have to stop for a breather.
The follow up workout was a lovely 100 jackknives with a 20lb medicine ball. I am not sure of what my time was, but I would guess it was in the 5-6 minute range.