Monday, 9/26/2011
Felt pretty good and strong for this workout. First time I have ever rep’d DLs over 400#, even if they were halves =).
- 3x (3 dead lift@ 90% (1/2 way), 6 box jumps) – 410#/20″
- 3×5 dip (BW, 1.5 pood (fail @ 4), 1 pood), then 1 set of negatives, got 9 unweighted.
- 3×5 back squat (235#, 265#, 285#), then 12 @ 50% of 1RM (185#), the 1 set of negatives @ 155# (got 12)
Wednesday, 9/28/2011
Bigg Dave had a lot on the plate for us tonight… we didn’t get much sleep. I was pretty tired for this and it showed.
- 50 heavy Russian KB Swings: 2 pood (20, 15, 15)
- 3×5 hang squat clean (95#, 115#, 135#)
- 3×5 power clean, no squatting allowed (155#, 165#, 175#(2), 155#)
- 3×5 mixed grip pull up (close grip, rings, reverse grip)
- 1 set to failure of pull ups (got 6)
- 1 set to failure of seated dumbbell presses (used 40#s, got 10)
- 4×5 Bulgarian Split Squats supersetted with pushups to failure (40#/18, 40#/17, 40#/19, 50#/20)
Looked like a fun, manly workout. I ned to lift more so I can get super strong. 🙂