I was dreading my workout all day yesterday (Monday, 1/25/2011). The second I found out what it was, I didn’t want to do it, even though I know that the things that I don’t want to do are the things that I SHOULD be doing. Pretty good allegory for life, eh?
After Fio’s crazy warm up, the WOD was 5x:
- 20 wall ball @ 20#
- 400m run
I did the first 3 rounds unbroken, but my running is still abysmally slow. I tried to push my “speed”, if you want to even call it that, on the first few rounds before my energy had left. Overall, I was shooting for a sub 30 minute time, which, I think would have been excessive. I would have been more accurate in saying a sub 20 minute time, but either way, I win.
I finished in 18:56.