There are various conversations and events that have influenced me in wanting to create something like this. In a general sense, lots of people call products “food” which are anything but. We are misguided by marketing, packaging, propaganda, and our own sense that we “know” what we are eating, that we have completely lost site of the fact that most processed food isn’t really food anymore.
My goal in creating this series of posts is to get people to understand that many of the items out there that we refer to as “food” are not. They are chemically processed and distorted into a product that might taste great, but are really nothing more then chemicals, preservatives, nutrient sparse, and really, do you no nutritional good at all. Period. End of story. Game. Set. Match. Point. Win. Michael Scott.
For each posting, I will first describe the food’s ingredients. I will then ask you “would you eat this?”. Hopefully, in most cases you will say “hell no”. I will then reveal what the food is so that you can be totally shocked and say “WOT! I didn’t know this crap was in food that I eat every day! Maybe I shouldn’t eat that thing all that much anymore!”. Maybe it’ll change a life. Maybe not. Whatever.
After revealing the food, I may or may not go into some of the ingredients in detail to explain or point you to resources that explain why the ingredients in this food are not good for you or any other human to ingest.
Along the way, if you have a food you’d like me to feature or would like to recommend a change to the format, feel free to drop me a line.