Saturday 10/9/2010
I really didn’t think I’d make it to open gym as I had gotten in really late from Nashville on Friday night. Luckily, my beautiful wife stirred me from my slumber and I was able to muddle through the workout that Nikki planned for us, which was:
- 5x – Weighted, whatever you want to carry; Run to Krispy Kreme, do 13 squats, run back.
I chose the weighted vest. I was just going to use the vest, then caught crap from the class. I then picked up a 10# medicine ball and used that too.
There was no timing for this WOD, but Nikki gave me an “A”. It was a good workout.
Tuesday 10/12/2010
Starting my week of unlimited WODs, I started out with this little number in Fio’s class.
- 35 Double-unders
- 25 Push ups
- 15 Pull ups
I got this one done in 18:52.
The good.
The double-unders (??). My first and last rounds were rockin’. I am finally starting to get these stupid things. People have been telling me over and over that I am jumping too fast but I never really got it. I think last night, I just got tired and started jumping slower. Just like that, I PR’d with 18 in a row.
The push ups and pull ups were fine. I worked through them as needed. My only frustration was that I couldn’t find a comfortable spot on the bar to do my pull ups.
The bad.
The double-unders (!!). My second and third rounds outright sucked. I was getting one and two at a time because I was getting frustrated and watching Trevor smoke me. Damn you, Trevor!! =) Just kidding.
As you will probably notice, I have been dialing back a little bit on the WODs. I am trying to focus more on consistent sustained movement and not so much stressing my body out all crazylike. After reading the “Cortisol” chapter of Robb Wolf’s book, I am wondering if this level of intensity is what I specifically need for my “situation” read: fat & need to lean out.
I have started writing in my food log again. I want one of the CFCP coaches to take a look at it sometime soon after I accumulate more days in there. I have to say, that I really haven’t been eating AS much as I used to. I think over the past 6-8 months, I have been falling into that “hoover” mentality and eating tons of stuff. I have found recently, that if I really pay attention, most of the time, I’m not hungry anymore about 3/4 of the way through, so I’ve been stopping. Hopefully, with working out, creating a bit of a caloric deficit, sleeping better, and being not so stressed out, some of this weight will start to go away.
Additionally, I have have dropped my carbohydrate intake for the day. For a while, I was focusing on staying in the 50g/day range, which is what people like Mark Sission recommend for sustained fat loss, and not seeing any results, I decided to drop it down to about 20g. I find that, to stay in this range, I need to eat a lot more green vegetables (instead of tomato saucy type things which have WAY more carbohydrate than I had previously realized). Also, I have been focusing more on eating leaner cuts of meat rather than bacon every morning.
Out of sheer curiosity, I went to Walgreen’s and purchased some ketone test strips. I know that these aren’t the most accurate things in the world, but I was curious to see if I was producing ketones (Ketones are the water soluble part of fat molecules. After your body cleaves the fat molecule up, you are left with different pieces, ketones being one of them. Lots of tissues in the body can run on ketones as fuel instead of glucose i.e. sugar). If I understand Robb and others correctly, if you are in ketosis, it’s a pretty good indicator that your body has used up whatever sugar stores you had and is now operating/running on fat. This is a good thing for losing fat and leaning out.
Last week, when I was in Nashville, I checked and there weren’t many. I was pretty surprised to see a really low ketone count. I mean, I am keeping my carbs around 50g/day, what gives?! Apparently, I was not being careful enough. Since paying WAY more attention to how much I am taking in, the test strips indicate a much higher ketone count. I am hoping that keeping my carbs relatively low like this will help. Basically, I am eating tons of veggies and a good amount, but not as much as previously, meat. NOM.
I have been trying really hard to control my stress and get better sleep. I think I am doing OK on both… as best as I can be doing, anyway, given my current situation.