I checked the WOD yesterday around lunch time and didn’t really have any ill feeling towards it. Really, I just thought to myself “that’s a lot like Fran… we don’t have to get the weight overhead, but it’s more, and there’s a 1000m row… we’ll see how this goes”.
So, here’s what we did last night:
- 1000m row
- 21 – 15 – 9 {Front Squat (135lb Rx), Pull Up}
- This took me 16:22. I think I took more breaks that I really needed. I felt like I was dragging through most of this workout. I am sure that it’s got a lot to do with how little sleep I got the night before. I hate the feeling of my energy just bottoming out a few minutes into any physical activity whether it’s Crossfit, Kung Fu, or whatever. I also felt that I was battling the soreness of the past two workouts, which just wouldn’t go away. I ended up doing my pull ups in sets of one and two at a time.
- Waaaa.
- This was followed up by 3 sets of {30 crunches, 30 bicycles}. Not for time, just do it. And I did. I have been emailing with the Black Box Crossfit in NYC. As we are heavy into planning everything involving our wedding, receptions, and honeymoon, I thought that it’d be nice to get some WODs in while in NYC. I got confirmation from them yesterday that we will be good to drop in and they have some special pricing options for just such occasions.
- Speaking of wedding and relationship stuff, today’s our 2 year anniversary! I know 2 years isn’t a terribly long time and that you old timers that read this are saying something like “stupid kid, 2 years is nothing!”. Well, you are right, but it’s a milestone for me as no relationship I have been in has made it past the 2 year mark.
We have been doing a lot of wedding planning lately and while stressful, I feel that I am finally beginning to see past the time, effort, stress, and money suck of planning all of this so that I can actually focus on marrying a beautiful, awesome woman.