Squatty Fran

I checked the WOD yesterday around lunch time and didn’t really have any ill feeling towards it. Really, I just thought to myself “that’s a lot like Fran… we don’t have to get the weight overhead, but it’s more, and there’s a 1000m row… we’ll see how this goes”.

So, here’s what we did last night:

  • 1000m row
  • 21 – 15 – 9 {Front Squat (135lb Rx), Pull Up}
    This took me 16:22. I think I took more breaks that I really needed. I felt like I was dragging through most of this workout. I am sure that it’s got a lot to do with how little sleep I got the night before. I hate the feeling of my energy just bottoming out a few minutes into any physical activity whether it’s Crossfit, Kung Fu, or whatever. I also felt that I was battling the soreness of the past two workouts, which just wouldn’t go away. I ended up doing my pull ups in sets of one and two at a time.
    This was followed up by 3 sets of {30 crunches, 30 bicycles}. Not for time, just do it. And I did. I have been emailing with the Black Box Crossfit in NYC. As we are heavy into planning everything involving our wedding, receptions, and honeymoon, I thought that it’d be nice to get some WODs in while in NYC. I got confirmation from them yesterday that we will be good to drop in and they have some special pricing options for just such occasions.
    Speaking of wedding and relationship stuff, today’s our 2 year anniversary! I know 2 years isn’t a terribly long time and that you old timers that read this are saying something like “stupid kid, 2 years is nothing!”. Well, you are right, but it’s a milestone for me as no relationship I have been in has made it past the 2 year mark.

We have been doing a lot of wedding planning lately and while stressful, I feel that I am finally beginning to see past the time, effort, stress, and money suck of planning all of this so that I can actually focus on marrying a beautiful, awesome woman.

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