Tag Archives: Dating Sage

Dating Sage

Wow. Just wow. This WOD yesterday (3/16/2010) was insane. That is all I can say about it. From what I hear, Sage is Bergenger’s daughter.

All in all, this is probably one of the most demanding WODs that I have had to do since starting the whole Crossfit thing 8 months ago. I found myself having to actually take breaks resting on the floor. When your coach says “the 95lb snatches aren’t the challenging part”, be worried! In fact, he was right! The thrusters are by far the killer.

“Dating Sage” consist of the following:

5 rounds of

  • 10 snatches (95lb)
  • 15 pull ups
  • 20 thrusters (75lb)

I read the blog and said to myself, “boy, that looks like fun!”. As usual, the first round was fun. Round 2 – 5, yeah, not so much.

My overall time on this was 33:14. I could have taken quite a bit of time off had I not taken so many breaks. There were times where I thought I was going to hyperventilate. It’s because of this though, that these ARE the types of workouts that I love; the kind that you want to quit 5 minutes in. These are the kind of workouts that show you what you are made of and what kind of will power you have.

Somewhere around round three, I honestly believed that I would not finish the WOD. Part of me was hoping Dave would tell me to stop at 3 rounds, but, Dave’s a good coach and knew that I could finish. He knew more than I KNEW that I could finish.

With that said, I am proud that I got all the way though five rounds of this WOD. It was physically and mentally taxing.

If you read my blog, you know that I like to do some math with these WODs. This one is just an insane amount of work. Allow me to break it down:

  • 10 snatches  @ 95lb  = 950lb  * 5 rounds =  4750lb
  • 15 pull ups  @ 200lb = 3000lb * 5 rounds = 15000lb
  • 20 thrusters @ 75lb  = 1500lb * 5 rounds =  7500lb

That totals 27,250lb moved around. Divide that by 2000 and you get 13.625 tons. I moved 13.625 TONS IN ~33 MINUTES. That’s insanity. To put that in perspective, my car weighs 3468lbs. So, I moved like, almost 8 of my cars. Crazy. Anyway…

This Saturday, we are running a 5k to kick off the next challenge at CFCP. I am really looking forward to this one. Running has always been the bane of my fitness life (cue up memories of junior high school of my fat ass “running” the mile in the school yard, with all of the other kids blowing by me), so it will be nice to take a four week period to actually focus on improving that.