First, last night’s workout…
- 50 GHDs
- 50 GHBE (35#)
- 50 Russian KBS (1.5 pood)
- 3 minute KB complex (1.5 pood)
- 4×3 3-position snatch (75#, 95#, 105#, 115#)
- 4×3 3-position clean (115#, 135#, 145#, 155#)
- 5×5 Romanian Dead Lift (225#, 295#, 315#, 325#, 335#)
- 3×5 Back Squat @ 85% of 1RM (310# x 3)
- Negatives @ 50% of 1RM
- Dead Lifts – 8 @ 225# (grip gave out)
- Back Squats – 12 @ 185#
- Presses – 12 @ 95#
- Dips – 10 @ Bryan
- Pull Ups – 10 @ Bryan
- 1 minute of 90% effort on the AirDyne – 29 cals
This was a ton of work and I was exhausted when it was over. I came home and ate a ton. I would have liked to have gotten a bit more sleep, but I ‘m not going to complain. What I got was good sleep.
Goldberg and I had an interesting little conversation last night. I can say, without tooting my own horn, really, that I put up some good numbers. I am strong. I am not really fast or, anything else for that matter, but I am say I am pretty strong. Still though, strength is relative.
I can say with a fairly high level of certainty that someone who is dead lifting for a 1RM @ 100# is working JUST as hard (and in some cases, maybe even HARDER) that someone going for a 1RM @ 400#.
Don’t sell yourself short and think that just because you are lifting less weight than someone else that you aren’t as strong or working as hard. It’s all relative. Work hard.