Yesterday’s workout was a fun one. Well, “fun” is up for interpretation. I don’t think many would actually think this was “fun”. Maybe I’m just crazy.
We started out with 5 minutes of fun:
- 1 minute of jack-knifes (20lb med ball)
- 1 minute of leg raises
- 1 minute of jack-knifes (20lb med ball)
- 1 minute of leg raises
- 1 minute of jack-knifes (20lb med ball)
I think I got something like 109 or 115. The 20 lb medicine ball became heavier and heavier as time went on. I think someone was playing a joke on me. We then continued on to a nice little team WOD that Dave made up:
3 rounds of
- 2 minutes of {row, renegade row, squat}
I didn’t keep track of my reps here. There was no rest in between rounds and at the end, we had to add up our team score. I don’t remember what my score my team got. We came in 3rd out of the 3 teams, but I still got a great workout.