Crossfit Doom

I must be going through withdrawals of Crossfit, video games, or both. I had a dream last night that was really vivid and just flat out weird.

From what I can remember, the dream started out with the whole CFCP gang gathered on a hilltop overlooking some lake. I want to say it was lake Travis, but I don’t know. The Dave came out and pointed out where our WOD was going to be which was really far away. Why didn’t we just gather there, I wonder.

We then were at this place. It was a dilapidated building in some city at night. Dave says “anyone here ever play Doom?”. I raised my hand because, duh, I used to play that all the time.

Then, he describes the WOD which is 6 20-minute rounds of Doom. While he’s describing what exactly “Doom” is for the people that didn’t get it, he’s telling us to do things like crouch-walk a lot, do lots of rolls, and to do lunges whenever possible. I’m thinking it’s pretty hilarious that this dude wants us to think about lunging when we are being shot. Oh well, guess I’ll probably win.

We got 5 minutes to take positions, then the clock starts. I remember only a few specific things about the actual WOD/game. I remember at one point Dave sitting on a car on a roof top signaling me to “come over and check this out”. Whatever, man, not fallin’ for that one. Say hello to my Uzi and see you next round, Mr. Tillman BWWHAHAHHAHAH!

At another point, one of my parents friends named Russ was on one of the floors in some crappy run down building and he was trying to break through the floor to get at something in between the floors. He asked for my help… nice try. Good thing I had that shotgun in my back pocket. Better luck next round, sir!

In between these things, I remember just doing a lot of running and dodging through various different hallways, staircases, secret passages, and buildings. It was all very frantic.

At some point ( I am assuming 20 minutes later in dream time ) the round came to and end and we all gathered. In this dream, even though everything seemed like live ammo, if you were tagged, you didn’t die or splat or anything, you were just “out” for the round and you got to come back for the next one.

As we got ready for the next round, Dave explained that there was a new area added but we’d have to figure out how to get there (fly, duh). The goal of that island was to get to the 5 smoke stacks that had letter pods on them, and change the letters to say something. I can’t remember what we needed to change it to, but this clearly required team work. One to toggle the letters on the inside and one to verify on the outside.

As soon as the round started, I ran to the edge of the map (which happened to by my parents back yard in Staten Island”), jumped over the back wall, did the Neo thing from the Matrix (you know, that thing he does before he flies) and took off headed for the new island (which was in the middle of NY harbor… a city built on a giant island of ice… go figure). What’s weird about flying in my dreams is that it never seems fast. It always seems like I am floating and drifting towards my destination as opposed to superman style flying, if that makes any sense.

Anyway, as I am drifting slowly towards this weird island, someone comes up next to me. I don’t know who this was, but I know it was female and she volunteered herself for my team. Sure, whatever, I was going to do it myself, but don’t get in my way. I have like 8 weapons somewhere on my person.

When I land on the island, it’s got this wild west theme, but there are barriers everywhere made out of destroyed cars. Interesting.

In don’t really remember much else and the dream ended shortly after this, but I do remember that the people on this island were just straight up assholes. I remember walking into a saloon type building with lots of people in and they were all just mean, horrible people.

Yeah… I don’t know where that dream came from… must be the MS water =)

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